you want to buy a used vehicle today, but sellers are charging premium prices! On the other hand, when you sell your car, the trade-in amount that a garage will offer you is often surprisingly (and disappointingly) low
this solution allows you to sell your vehicle in the most favourable conditions possible, avoiding all the hassle: a professional approach and a totally transparent concept: contact me for a personalised quote
the principle
the entire sales process is managed by me, on your behalf
you remain in control of proceedings and the owner of the vehicle until the sale
you get the best sales price
how it works
you receive valuable advice on how best to prepare and present the vehicle
a comprehensive photo shoot and mini video report are carried out
I use the documents in your possession (invoices, guarantee, etc.) to prepare a complete profile for the vehicle in a digital format
we agree on the selling price together based on the accurate market analysis I provide
your advertisement is visible on specialised automotive platforms and distributed to my professional network
contacts with prospects: calls, emails, reminders, visits, etc., are all handled by myself
the cost of my service
my service is charged at 8% (excluding vat) of the final price of the transaction (minimum charge: CHF 1,500)
the benefits for you
all contacts with potential buyers will be handled by myself, so that you are not inconvenienced
I travel as required to show the vehicle so that you do not need to manage appointments and viewings
you may keep and use your vehicle until the sale if you wish
the sales contract is drawn up directly between the buyer and yourself